145 Today

145 Today

I don’t usually weigh myself unless I’m at the doctor’s office. I weighed myself today. Before stepping on the scale, I told myself the following: The number doesn’t matter. I’m not trying to lose weight. Muscle weighs more than fat....

Feeling Grown Up

This comes up a lot among my friends and acquaintances. My sister likes to point out that an adult uses the term “adult,” while I make myself sound like a child calling them (us) “grownups.” A few years back I was at the playground with my 2-year-old son. A bunch of...
The Great Divide

The Great Divide

I had this red linen blouse, I remember, with a V-neck, purchased on a whim at the place across from where I took young L. for his haircuts. Because I was being observed by a member of my tenure committee, and I wanted to look nice, I wore my red linen blouse. Class...
My Idea of a Book Review

My Idea of a Book Review

I don’t listen to Mountain Goats much so I don’t know if John Darnielle is “one of the best lyricists of his generation,” as he is “widely considered.” I do wonder how he can compete with Rich Krueger: In a coffeeshop window he straightened his tie And...

The Ten-Year Process, Part 2

Continued from 3/19/15 “Actually, of course, it’s the tenure process, referring to the academic practice of hazing a probationary faculty member until they pass all your tests or go away. From the French, tenir, meaning to take, hold.”   Years...