The Ten-Year Process, Part 1

Actually, of course, it’s the tenure process, referring to the academic practice of hazing a probationary faculty member until they pass all your tests or go away. From the French, tenir, meaning to take, hold. I entered the tenure process at a School Which Will...
Successes and Failures of a Friday

Successes and Failures of a Friday

I did all these things yesterday, listed in order of occurrence, not importance. Success: Kettlebell workout, respecting and protecting my injured adductor. Success: 3rd day posting in a row. Failure: Too much time spent focused on finding / creating graphic:...

What Do I Write About Today?

I have written and deleted or saved a couple versions of this post. I’m running out of time and I need to get something on the page, raw and ragged as it may be, before my timer goes off. Some days I spend too much time playing Nonograms and listening to Jon...
Talking in Spirals

Talking in Spirals

V. asked me what my vision is, what is the work I want to get done in the world before I die. So I started talking about my projects: I want to create a web platform that will help fringe theaters in Seattle connect with their audiences. I want to...